What type of guard should jointers be fitted with

Safety should always come first when working with jointers. Jointers are powerful tools commonly used to smooth and flatten wood surfaces, but they can also pose serious risks if used incorrectly. One of the most important safety features of a connector is its guard, designed to protect the user from potential hazards. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the different types of guards that can be installed on joints, and why choosing the right guard is crucial to ensuring a safe working environment.

Automatic Wood Jointer

One of the most common guards on splicing machines is the riving knife. This important safety feature is designed to prevent kickback by keeping the cut open and the wood from pinching the blade. The riving knife is usually mounted slightly behind the blade and moves with it, ensuring a constant distance between the two. This helps prevent wood from binding and springing back, which are common causes of injuries when using connectors. When using a riving knife to install a joint, it is important to ensure that it is properly aligned with the blade and is the right size for the joint being used.

Another type of guard that can be installed on your splicing machine is a blade guard. This type of guard is designed to enclose the blade and prevent the operator from touching it. Blade guards often have dust collection ports to help keep the work area clean and safe. When installing a blade guard on a joint, it is important to choose a joint that is made of durable materials and is easy to install and remove for maintenance and blade replacement.

In addition to the splitter and blade guard, some wood joiners can be equipped with push blocks or push bars, which are designed to help guide the wood through the joiner while keeping the operator’s hands a safe distance from the blade. Push blocks are usually made of non-slip material and are comfortable to hold, making it easier for the operator to apply pressure to the wood without injury. When selecting a push block or push bar for your jointer, it is important to look for one that is ergonomically designed and provides good control and stability when feeding lumber into the jointer.

When choosing the right guard for a jointer, it’s important to consider the operator’s specific needs and the type of work that will be done. For example, if the connector will be used for heavy-duty or high-volume work, it is important to choose a guard that is durable and can withstand frequent use. On the other hand, if the jointer will be used by different operators with different experience levels, it is important to choose a guard that is easy to install and use and provides a clearly visible cutting area.

Finally, it is important to remember that installing the correct guard for your connector is only part of ensuring a safe work environment. Proper training, supervision and use of personal protective equipment are also important factors in preventing accidents and injuries. By choosing the right guard for the jointer and following best practices for safe operation, woodworkers can enjoy the benefits of using this powerful tool while minimizing the risks.

In summary, the type of protection a jointer should be equipped with depends on the specific needs of the operator and the type of work that will be done. A riving knife, blade guard, push block or push bar are all important safety features that help prevent accidents and injuries when using a jointer. By choosing the right guards and following best practices for safe operations, woodworkers can ensure a safe and productive work environment.

Post time: Feb-21-2024